The One True Faith: Breaking of the Bread (S4E6)
The One True Faith: The Eucharist and the Second Coming (S4E5)
The One True Faith: Paul and the Eucharist (S4E4)
The One True Faith: The Lord's Supper (S4E3)
The One True Faith: Eat My Flesh (S4E2)
The One True Faith: When I Am Lifted Up (S4E1)
The One True Faith: Joy of the Faith (S3E13)
The One True Faith: Indulgences (S3E12)
The One True Faith: Sin, Grace and Conscience (S3E11)
The One True Faith: Twelve Catholic Myths (S3E10)
The One True Faith: There's Only One True Church (S3E9)
The One True Faith: The Church Fathers (S3E8)
The One True Faith: The Papacy (S3E7)
Where Did The Bible Come From? (S3E6)
What Happened to the Catholic Church? (S3E5)
Bless Me, Father, For I Have Sinned (S3E4)
Catholics & Protestants (S3E3)
What is the Catholic Church? (S3E2)
Are Catholics Really Christians? (S3E1)
The One True Faith: Vatican II & the Role of the Laity (S2E13)