Souls and Liberty is dedicated to action and solutions, and all action must begin with prayer. Our staff, in addition to fulfilling the obligations of practicing Catholics, say the Divine Office (morning and evening prayer) and the Rosary each day. We invite you to join us in these daily prayers. You can purchase a copy of Christian Prayer (containing the Divine Office), and find the page numbers for each day below:
Join us in our scriptural Rosary as well. The scriptural meditations can be found in the book, The Weapon, as an audio download or physical CD. If you have particular intentions you would like us to remember in our prayers, you can mention them when making a donation or email them to
Thank you for your support, both financial and spiritual. Your prayers are invaluable to us, to you, and to the Church.

Spiritual Bouquets
Saint Paul reminds us that our foes in this fallen world are principally evil "powers and principalities" who hate us as disciples of Christ and who detest His Church.
Please consider offering a spiritual bouquet on behalf of Souls and Liberty to aid in its important mission of saving souls and proclaiming the truth of the Faith.
Your spiritual bouquet can be as simple as the offering of a Divine Mercy Chaplet or having a Mass said for the apostolate. Other possibilities may include saying a Rosary, a novena, the Chaplet of Seven Sorrows, the Chaplet of St. Michael, the Way of the Cross, or even some other favorite devotion.
On behalf of Souls and Liberty staff and supporters, I would like to thank you for considering this request. May God bless you and your family for your kindness.