"Two-tier Keir" is using the COVID-19 dummy run to impose a new totalitarian tyranny
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The COVID-19 scamdemic was a trial run for a totalitarian takeover in Britain.Â
The government manufactured a monumental myth, used behavioral psychology to manipulate its subjects, bribed mainstream media into compliance, jockeyed obliging church leaders into servitude, silenced dissent on social media, imposed draconian lockdowns and deployed brute police force to tyrannize its citizenry. Â
The dummy run was so successful, it was the envy of Pyongyang. It made Xi Jinping as jealous as a Barbary cock pigeon over his hen.
The pilot study of the pandemic can now be implemented for real, and Britain's prime minister Keir Starmer is following Winston Churchill's dictum of "not letting a good crisis go to waste." For Starmer, the UK's recent race riots are worth their weight in gold and Two-Tier Keir is using his communist cut-and-paste handbook to put into action the lessons learned from Wuhan.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it," Hitler's propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels, is reported to have said. There is no evidence Goebbels ever made this statement. Here's what the patron saint of spin doctors actually said: "The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."Â
COVID-19 was a dress rehearsal in telling big lies – the virus can kill you; masks protect you from the virus; social distancing saves lives; the vaccine prevents transmission; the jab is one hundred percent safe.Â
"What would the Unholy Left do without illusion."
Starmer's contribution to the Big Lie Factory is the creation of the mythical monster of the Far Right. Even more comically, the Starmerites have resurrected the English Defence League (EDL), which died a natural death in 2013. Like the monster in the Book of Daniel, Starmer's dragon has a few horns – one is Tommy Robinson and the other is Elon Musk.
Why face the real Leviathans of radical Islam and illegal immigration (a monster Starmer cheerfully fed while he was a young lawyer) when you can conjure up a mythical Loch Ness EDL monster and bribe the media to paint Dante-like visions of far right demons as a prelude to clamping down your own totalitarian hell, eh?Â
"What would the Unholy Left do without illusion," asks Michael Walsh in The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West. "It is the cornerstone of their philosophical and governing philosophy, a desperate desire to look at basic facts and plain meanings and see otherwise, to see, in fact the very opposite."Â
The "false prophets" are a fascinating feature of Old Testament prophetic literature. These were prophets who were part of the political apparatus of the court or the religious paraphernalia of the cult (Israel's corporate structure of Temple worship). These "prophets for profits" were the mouthpieces of the king and the priesthood – the twin pillars of the Israelite power structure.
Their job was to make sure everyone marched lockstep with the dominant orthodoxies of the day, and discredit a counter-narrative of resistance and truth which emanated from the true prophets who were called by Yahweh.
When prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah were warning God's people of the looming Babylonian threat, the counterfeit prophets contradicted their message by proclaiming "Peace, peace" and assured the Israelites that Judah was impregnable and would not be overrun by Babylon.Â
"One of the Duce's (Mussolini) favorite boasts in speaking with Hitler and the Nazi leadership was of all the benefits he had enjoyed by keeping the pope happy."
The era of COVID-19 saw the mainstream media uniting in an unprecedented consensus to parrot the government's mantra of fear and conformity. Truth is irrelevant. Plato's noble lie must be told to promote a fictional "community cohesion" for the sake of the "common good."Â
The media, who pocketed billions of pounds worth of advertising revenue from the government during the scamdemic, are now singing from the government's hymn sheet on the race riots. A reader doesn't need to be skilled in literary criticism to see copy-and-paste headlines, images and content screeching through the megaphones of the British newspapers and television channels – led by the high priest of the BBC.
On Wednesday "thousands of left-wing, Antifa and Muslim protesters gathered in multiple English cities in response to a viral hoax that the far-right planned 100 attacks and riots on immigration-related offices," celebrity journalist Andy Ngô tweeted.
The story that mass riots were planned by the mythical far right was most likely planted by the authorities in the mainstream media, who conveniently ignored "Muslim patrol" militants who were running wild on the streets of Croydon, a suburb of London, and terrorizing indigenous white Britons.Â
One of my most serendipitous discoveries since the Vatican opened its Pius XII archives in 2020 was the extent of the collusion between the papacy, Roman curia, Italian episcopacy and clergy, and the regime of the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.Â
Ten years after World War II, the Catholic historian Arturo Carlo Jemolo published his groundbreaking book Chiesa e Stato in Italia: Dalla unificazione ai giorni nostri (Church and State in Italy: From Unification to the Present Day). He wrote: "Whoever looks with a dispassionate eye at the relations between the Church (not only the Holy See, but the episcopate, and the secular and religious clergy) and the the Fascist government for a period that includes the eleven years between the conclusion of the Concordat and the beginning of the 1940s cannot fail to recognize that they were cordial, marked by a spirit of collaboration and reciprocal concessions." (Italics mine)
I now understand better the cheerful collusion between Pope Francis and Big Pharma and the quasi-evangelistic promotion of the abortion-tainted vaccine by Catholic bishops, evangelical pastors, mega-church celebrity preachers; and even Franklin Graham (son of the world's best known evangelist, Billy Graham) who insisted that Jesus himself would be an advocate for the COVID-19 experimental shot.Â
The darkness of totalitarianism needs total darkness to win.
Earlier this week, Catholic and Anglican bishops issued statements supporting Muslims and illegal migrants in lockstep with the government's mollycoddling of minorities. Not once have the bishops spoken out against the industrial-scale rape of thousands of underage girls from Britain's white, working-class families. Never, ever, have the bishops challenged the sinister and rapid Islamization of Britain.Â
"One of the Duce's (Mussolini) favorite boasts in speaking with Hitler and the Nazi leadership was of all the benefits he had enjoyed by keeping the pope happy," historian David Kertzer concludes in his magisterial book, The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler. Keir Starmer will have no problem keeping the useful ecclesiastic idiots – the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby or the Cardinal-archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols – very, very happy. Â
The Church's hierarchy will never, ever come down on the side of the indigenous, working-class Briton.Â
When shepherds make an alliance with the wolves, the lambs turn to social media, where they can make small noises by posting memes or sharing information about protests. Remember the days of COVID-19 when Facebook and Twitter (before Elon Musk purchased the platform and rebranded it "X") censored dissenting voices? Well, under the Starmerite Stasi, social media censorship is back with an almighty bang.Â
Old Testament scholars explain why the biblical prophets were such a major irritant to the establishment: it is because the dominant narrative can tolerate no alternative version of reality. Even a minor prophet can become a major headache once he subverts public imagination and gets people to see that the dominant orthodoxy is what we would today call "fake news."Â
"Either there is light or there is not; there can be no synthesis."
God's first words in Genesis are "Let there be light." The darkness of totalitarianism needs total darkness to win. Even a match of a mere 280 characters, lit across the pond in the United States on X, shatters the total darkness that is a prerequisite for Big Brother to declare victory. The biblical prophets lit matches, sparking subversive possibilities.Â
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it," is a theme from John's prologue that offers a beacon of hope that has fired up Elon Musk. The power of 280 characters, or a mocking meme, has so freaked out the establishment that Britain is now jailing Uncle Joe and Aunt Jane for "inaccurate" information shared on X. David with his five pebbles and humble slingshot is playing a cat-and-mouse game that is taxing the illusory omnipotence of the heavily-armored Goliath.   Â
"Either there is light or there is not; there can be no synthesis," Walsh writes. "As with satanic darkness, there cannot be a single point of light to disturb the suffocating blanket of orthodoxy, lest someone somewhere see the light."Â
"It is therefore no accident that the path to destruction and darkness must be enforced by totalitarian means, and for the same reason, totalitarian states must inevitably fall, since it is impossible for them to maintain absolute control over 100 percent of their population all the time."
It doesn't mean they won't try. Starmer is now threatening to roll out facial recognition technology and turn Britain into a satellite state of the Chinese Communist Party. The COVID-19 Behavioral Psychology Unit is probably huddled in a dark bunker, muttering spells over a witches' cauldron of foul smelling brew it plans to drip-feed the "nice" people of Britain, whose creed is: "In Government We Trust."
"The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it."
The Book of Daniel is the story of how an exiled Jewish lad with his three buddies kept kosher, prayed to the God of Israel, and toppled the world's mightiest empire. Idolatrous Belshazzar blasphemed God during his orgiastic feast; God's hand then appeared from nowhere and disrupted the soiree of the century by writing a message on the wall of the banquet hall.
Daniel read the writing on the wall: "Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin." He interpreted the scribble: "God has numbered the days of your rule. He's put you on the scales and you don't weigh much. Your kingdom has been carved up and handed over to the Medes and Persians." In other words, "You are toast!"Â
Stories about rulers who see handwriting on the wall, but decide to ignore it are never out of date. The COVID-19 scamdemic crumbled like Humpty Dumpty. For all his pompous plodding, Sir Keir Starmer is yet another tragic-comic Belshazzar who will fall.Â
God will do His part; let us play Daniel and tell King Starmer: "Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook up. But even if he doesn't, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We still wouldn't serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up." Â
Editor's note:Â To learn more about the evil of communism and its infiltration
into the Church, check out our book selection by clicking here.
Dr. Jules Gomes, (BA, BD, MTh, PhD), has a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Cambridge. Currently a Vatican-accredited journalist based in Rome, he is the author of five books and several academic articles. Gomes lectured at Catholic and Protestant seminaries and universities and was canon theologian and artistic director at Liverpool Cathedral.
The new nickname of Tommy Robinson is Talmud Robinson, for some reason. He is a brave and good man, but quite naive. He has became virtually a puppet of Jewish cabal. 🤔🔯😈
The irony in Billy Graham's comment in Reader's Digest decades ago, educating us that the Greek word pharmakeia translated with more serious implications than were it commonly translated as sorcery or witchcraft, is that this bit of information greatly upset those of the psychiatric profession who were pushing drugs on children, having the children kidnapped from their homes with court orders, drugged, and the other abuse that went with this, the irony being that when the son (Franklin) took over the role of the father (Billy), he (Franklin) abandoned this matter of the translation of the word pharmakeia, instead opting to be a friend of evil, and in spite of the evidence I might add, which, if you read what…