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Communists Hammer Hallow

Souls and Liberty
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22 juil. 2024

The IMF, the WHO, and the Communists all favor abortion, and therefor, being rid of religion except atheism. Is this a mystery that needs figuring out? All Wars Are Bankers Wars, content helpful, also, the John Birch Society suggested readings. This is not a great mystery to me knowing of the front organizations for world banking and world communism. And there are mony more than these, and they include the Freemasons. Did you never read of the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt? It's fairly obvious to me who hates the Church; WHO has for centuries despite its more recent incarnation. Heretics, antichrists and world wars don't end; they reform themselves and return "under the auspices of". e.g. Planned Parenthood a.…

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