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Demented Dems Defiling Souls

Souls and Liberty
Gary Michael Voris featured on "The Robert Scott Bell Show"

Voris and Bell discuss the Communist-Democratic ploy to destroy bodies and souls by corrupting children, fomenting deception and obliterating religious belief.

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2024. aug. 23.

Most children of abuse fight 'injustice' more fiercely than can be imagined; their fights are often seen as 'defiance of authority' and the 'labels' lead to bad effects.

It's time to really 'help' the abused and not the abusers; first step is recognizing the children need to know "IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT" the abusers should be punished severely to get that message to them.

The punishment should be severe for the abused sake; AND their punishment should be known to the abused.......

God Help US

Jailhouse Justice for pedophiles is the best help to abused children!! Justice is their sanity maintained. It's not revenge it's plain old 'justice'........the answer to moral integrity.


2024. aug. 23.

Abortion and Pedophelia are the two crimes that are the biggest threat to the future - children; time to make the punishment fit the crimes.


2024. aug. 23.

Fear of the sun, fear of diseases in the human body, fear of 'weather', fear of bombs and other. countries, fear of 'gender', AND fear of neighbors!! ALL really baseless fears.

Fear is a strategy of war, all wars and battles....... fear leads to 'control'......

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