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Emotionally Ill Democrats Are Quickly Devastating the Country

Souls and Liberty
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Abigail Smith
Abigail Smith
Aug 11, 2024

Mr. Voris, since you are in Houston now, I recommend you meet with Randy Guttenburger of MYCS. He can quickly and effectly teach you how to stop suffereing from severe childhood trauma in just a few affordable sessions. As someone who has used his services, I can attest to the effectiveness of Randy's simple yet brilliant approach. You have nothing to lose. Believe it or not, the teachings I received from you via Church Militant about the Catholic faith combined with Randy's teachings about the brain, healed me of emotional wounds from abuse I endured as a child. Here is his email:


Melanie Bruno
Melanie Bruno
Aug 11, 2024

It's good to see you again, (Gary) Michael. God love you.😀


Aug 10, 2024

Well said, Michael. You are 100 percent correct! I have many relatives who are Democrats. They are good hearted and loving people yet they buy in to all the evil that the Democrats push. I don't understand it but I keep praying for them.

I'm sorry for what you've been through, Michael and I have been, and am still praying for you. We are all in the same boat trying to get to heaven. God Love you too, Michael!😊

Aug 12, 2024
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Do you buy into all the Evil that the Republicans push?

*Like Same Sex Marriage

*Like Sodomy

*Like LGBTQ+

*Like Transgenderism

*Like Affirmative Action

*Like supporting Genocide and War Crimes by Israel in Gaza?



Aug 08, 2024

The Entire U.S. Congress is emotionally Ill.

Why is soulsandliberty such a shill for the Republican Party?

Doesn't Trump not only support SIN, but CELEBRATES IT?? As does the Republican Party.

Donald Trump supports and "embraces" Sodomy, Same Sex Marriage, Abortion ( now up to a certain period ) LGBTQ+, ect..

Trump's Mar A Lago Pride Month Celebrations are legendary.

Why does Michael Voris ignore the Republicans sickness???

This is not an honest presentation.

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The American Conservative

Rod Dreher

Dec 17, 20221:30 PM


Gay Old Time At Mar-A-Lago

"Thursday night’s Log Cabin Republicans’ “Spirit of Lincoln” gala in the main ballroom of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago beachfront club was a joyous celebration of gay rights…

Aug 12, 2024
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"Communist" label requires further explanation.

For example, Trump pushed the vaccines on every one and allowed Companies to terminate people, along with the Military, if they refused to get injected.

That is Communist behavior

Trump said he would deport all College Students who protested against Israels Genocide and War Crimes in Gaza.

That is Communist Behavior.

Yes Trump TALKS about "God", but he acts in a different way.

Talking about "God" is different than worshipping God and obeying God's Commandants, which Trump does Not do.

There is no significant difference between Trump and Harris.

Voting third Party will force the UniParty to change and become closer to what people vote for.

For us to continue to vote for the same…

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