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Writer's pictureGary Michael Voris, STB

Expanding the Fight

A new initiative to reach new audiences

Adults and children in church

Souls and Liberty is a great blessing to me, as it allows me to evangelize some of the most important people to evangelize. Recently, we launched a new effort aimed at reaching more people with Catholic truth; YOUR support is making this possible, and I want you to be even more part of making this possible in the future.

Let me explain.

By now, regular followers of Souls and Liberty have probably seen at least some of the interviews I've recently started doing, which we post to our website and also on our YouTube and Rumble channels. (For those unfamiliar with this new initiative, an example of a recent discussion – between conservative political commentator Stew Peters and myself – follows below.)

Of course, we want as many people as possible to see these interviews. But they aren't me interviewing someone else … these are someone interviewing me.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why do I need to see that? If I want to know what Voris is saying, I can go watch In Depth or Commentary, or read his articles. And he's doing a bunch of these interviews — two or three a week. What's the point?”

Here is the point – these interviews aren't for you.

Oh, you'll enjoy them. You'll learn something, and you'll find support and agreement in them. But I didn't do the interviews for that reason.

I did them for the audiences of the people who are interviewing me.

Conservative and patriotic Christian interviewers. Men and women like Stew Peters, Col. Rob Maness, Francine Fosdick and Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. These people have audiences who are men and women of goodwill, but who aren't always Catholic.

They don't know the truth of Catholicism. They don't know the fullness of Christianity. And they certainly don't know the details of what has been done to divide Christendom.

And these men and women want to hear it. In almost every case, the interview has run long because they wanted to keep talking about something that not only fascinated them, but which they didn't know. And in most cases, we kept talking after the cameras stopped rolling – I've been texting with them, talking on the phone, and have been invited back for other interviews.

It is such a wonderful blessing to be able to talk not only about the political threat the Communist-Democrats pose to our beloved country, but also about the reality that this election is not merely a political contest, but a holy, spiritual war between the forces of good and evil. I'm not talking about Trump vs. Harris. I am talking about God vs. the Devil, good vs. evil, freedom vs. Communism.

Also, I get to talk about the Faith, and about important teachings of the Faith about which they have no idea. For example, most Souls and Liberty followers know that contraception was universally-condemned by every single Christian until less than 100 years ago – that the acceptance of contraception is less than a century old. Yet, these Christians – patriots of goodwill – have no idea about that. They are shocked, fascinated, and finally, challenged by such revelations.

And so are their audiences.

It can be very hard to evangelize other Christians. Fallen-away Catholics, ex-Catholics, Protestants and others who have rejected Catholicism – or what they think is Catholicism. But these people are our brothers and sisters in the faith – separated brethren, to be sure. Estranged from us and from Our Mother, the Church. But they need not be separated from Our Father forever … and approaching them through their trusted leaders and presenting the truth of Catholicism is a powerful witness.

There is always going to be a need for evangelization, and the ability to speak with men and women with a following, and then through them to their audiences, is incredibly powerful.

It is such a blessing to be able to not only evangelize men and women of goodwill, but to speak to whole audiences of such people. To be able to bring the Gospel – the true Gospel, the authentic Gospel, the full Gospel, which is Catholicism – to people.

It is such a blessing, and you make it possible through your prayers and financial support – THANK YOU.

Rallying Catholics. Reaching Protestants. Routing Communists. This is the work of Souls and Liberty, and we can't do it without you.

God love you.

Join Souls and Liberty so we can stand with you and thousands of others at this critical hour. We pledge to proclaim the Truth in Love and fight with honor alongside you.


Please consider a gift today to jumpstart our new effort to fight against the spiritual forces of darkness – and for the Kingdom of Light.


Editor's note: To view Gary Michael Voris speak with conservative commentator Stew Peters,


Gary Michael Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.

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