First, Martin Luther King was a documented and taped Prostitute Monger and beat Prostitutes. Martin Luther King Plagiarized, Lied, and even changed his name.
Martin Luther King was a Scumbag.
What will teachers say when reading the bible story about Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed by GOD for the Sins of Sodomy that Cries to Heaven for Vengeance.
Yes, God Destroyed that place because of the practicing Grave Sin, Sodomy, but America says the Sodomy is normal.
Yeah , I don't think so..... This is just eye wash.
Trump abolishing the Department of Education??
Baahahahahahlololol. NOT in a MILLION YEARS !!
I will bet ANYONE a Thousand Dollars that won't happen. Trump LIES like the rest of us breath.
Trump can't get out of his own way.
There is a bigger chance of Aliens from outer space landing on the White House lawn
First, Martin Luther King was a documented and taped Prostitute Monger and beat Prostitutes. Martin Luther King Plagiarized, Lied, and even changed his name.
Martin Luther King was a Scumbag.
What will teachers say when reading the bible story about Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed by GOD for the Sins of Sodomy that Cries to Heaven for Vengeance.
Yes, God Destroyed that place because of the practicing Grave Sin, Sodomy, but America says the Sodomy is normal.
Yeah , I don't think so..... This is just eye wash.