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DNC Nominee Selection Timeline
The Democratic National Committee leadership has not yet set a date for the virtual roll call to nominate President Biden for a second term. However, party leadership confirmed that it will be conducted virtually on the week of the Republican National Convention, which begins July 15. To comply with Ohio law, which requires parties to provide official nominees 90 days before the election, they must hold their roll call before August 7.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Attempting to Qualify in Two More States
Spokespeople for Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced that the campaign would attempt to qualify for the ballot in Pennsylvania and Florida. In the latter state, Mr. Kennedy is eyeing the nominee position for the Natural Law Party of Florida. The organization recently regained its status as a political party under Florida election law and will hold a nominating convention in July.
Montana: Favorable Republican Polling Numbers
New polling reveals that a pattern emerging in other states — i.e., Republican Senate candidates lagging well behind former President Trump's standing — is also present in Big Sky Country.
According to a Public Opinion Strategies survey, Navy SEAL and aerospace company CEO Tim Sheehy (R) trails Sen. Jon Tester (D) 39-36% on the definite vote, while the two are tied at 46% apiece when "leaners" (independent or less committed voters who lean in the direction of a particular party) are added to the aggregate total.
Meanwhile, the same poll found former Trump enjoying a large lead over President Biden, 50-32%, or 57-37% when leaners are factored in.
Virginia Rep. Good to Move for Recount
With the final vote tally in Virginia's 5th District Republican congressional primary showing a victory for state Sen. John McGuire (by 333 votes), incumbent Rep. Bob Good indicates that he will move for a full district-wide recount and suggests voter fraud influenced the outcome.
Though the 333 vote figure is a small number from a total of 62,585 votes, it is unlikely that a recount will change the result to the point of overturning the election.
Rep. Good outperformed early ballot test polling in the final vote, a pattern that is typically inconsistent with vote fraud, casting doubts on the accusation.
Jim Ellis is a 35-year veteran of politics at the state and national levels. He has served ss executive director for two national political action committees, as well as a consultant to the three national Republican Party organizations in DC, the National Federation of Independent Business, and various national conservative groups.
Born and raised in Sacramento, California, he earned a B. A. in Political Science from the University of California at Davis in 1979. Jim raised his daughter, Jacqueline, alone after his wife died following a tragic car accident. He helped establish the Joan Ellis Victims Assistance Network in Rochester, NH. Jim also is a member of the Northern Virginia Football Officials Association, which officiates high school games throughout the region.
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