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Donald Trump is vowing to return America to energy independence. "We're going to supply it all over Europe, all over the world," he pledged.
For the commie Dems to cut American oil production is to choke our air supply and everything that depends on that air supply. They know what they're doing; killing the nation that I love and they hate.
I refer to all EV's as coal-powered vehicles, 'cause that's where the electricity really comes from.
No more Chinese windmills, no more Venezuelan dictators to support, no more Russian pipeline disasters, no more Canadian dictators to support, no more Iranian airplane crashes, no more Florida leasehold confiscations by the Bush family, no more Alaskan welfare subsidies, no more Iraq invasions, a few less Saudi bilking us schemes, no more Texas oil and gas stock thefts by my family, a few less Jerome Powell vacillations, no more Klaus Schwab threats, no more Mexican petroleum dictators to support, no more pipeline protesters without jobs, no more operation desert storms, no more Kuwaiti saprophytes to help out, no more oil spills from third world countries, no more green party alarmists, no more climate change fakers, no more Chinese electric…