On this very day in 1917, May 13th, an event often-overlooked by the history books took place: Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth, first appeared at Fatima in Portugal.

For the following five months, ending in October, Our Lady appeared to three innocent shepherd children and gave powerful warnings about the dangers and evils of communism, the remedy to the “evils of Russia,” and – most importantly – crucial help to aid in the salvation of our souls and those of our loved ones.
Faithful Catholic, Our Lady makes Her regal demands from the throne of Her Queenship of all creation, and we must obey. She calls for us to make prayers of reparation for the sins committed against her Immaculate Heart, to pray for the conversion of sinners and, most especially, to pray the Rosary.
Here at Souls and Liberty we are committed to Our Lady’s Queenship and Her royal demands. Our mission is oriented against the great evil she identified – communism – both inside and outside the Church, in both its obvious political and economic manifestations, and also in its more insidious form of a social, and even spiritual, cancer infecting all we hold dear.
Every day, Souls and Liberty’s God and Country newsletter aims to arm YOU with the tools and information you need to fight this battle of hearts and souls and minds. We know you take your Queen’s command seriously and that you are advancing into battle. We are committed to arming you with the very best weapons we can.
However, all that is nothing without prayer and action. We ask you to join us and pray the Rosary each day, and to offer it as Our Lady commanded us for the reparation of sins against Her Immaculate Heart.
We ask you also to join with the whole Church in praying the Divine Office. If you do not own a copy of the Christian prayer book, you can purchase one from our newly-reopened store here. To support you in this effort, we will be providing daily links on our website to the pages you need for Morning and Evening prayer.
We invite you to offer your own personal devotions, mortifications and sacrifices in reparation for sins committed against Our Queen’s Immaculate Heart, as well as for the intentions of all the supporters and staff of Souls and Liberty.
Prayer is vital. Prayer is essential. However, prayer is merely the beginning. As the Apostle James teaches us, faith without works is dead. Your prayers MUST be oriented toward action and, ultimately, solutions. That is what Souls and Liberty is dedicated to – prayer leading to action … leading to solutions, which advance the Kingdom of God.
In 1917, the communists stopped sitting around in comfortable chairs and started a revolution of hatred.
Now it is our turn. We must begin that process of prayer, action and solutions and start a revolution of love. That is what Our Queen calls us to do.
And we must answer.
Pray for us. Pray with us. And, please support us with your donations so we can continue to fight alongside you in this revolution of love.
God love you,
Mary McCann, President
Souls and Liberty
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Souls and Liberty is a registered DBA (“doing business as”) of Church Militant, a 501(c)(4) registered in Houston, Texas. Charges for donations will still appear on your credit card statement as “Church Militant” until May 17, 2024, when the charges will then reflect “Souls and Liberty”.