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Help Expose Harris' Sordid Pro-Abort History

Order Your 'Kamala Cards' Now!

Kamala Harris next to QR code evil thing behind her

The clock is ticking and, with just two months to go until the election, YOU can easily inform voters about Kamala Harris' radical pro-abortion record.

Souls and Liberty Action Network has produced 'Kamala Harris QR Code Cards' to do just that.

The size of a typical business card, these cards feature a picture of a smiling Harris on one side, and on the other, a QR code that scans to information about her sordid protection of, and collusion with, Planned Parenthood (PP) since her days as the Golden State's chief law enforcement officer.


Harris has promoted child-murder her entire career, but many voters are unaware (or have forgotten) that while she was attorney general of California (2011-2017), she systematically prosecuted brave defenders of the unborn.

In 2015, Catholic stalwart David Daleiden, founder of the pro-life Center for Medical Progress (CMP), caught Planned Parenthood's top-level leadership callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted-baby body parts.

In a series of undercover video reports, Daleiden and another reporter exposed PP abortionists discussing, and admitting to profiting from, the dismemberment of unborn children. Learning of CMP's undercover operation, Harris met in 2016 with top Planned Parenthood California officials who were implicated in the videos. Two weeks later, her office conducted a raid on Daleiden's home to confiscate the videos and prevent the release of the footage.

In March 2017, Daleiden and another CMP undercover reporter were charged with 15 felonies in California – one for each of the people they had filmed and one for criminal conspiracy to invade privacy. Planned Parenthood also sued Daleiden for fraud and invasion of privacy, asserting that the videos were taken out of context.

For exposing the clandestine trade in aborted babies for profit – without the knowledge or permission of the families of the babies – Daleiden has since been subjected to relentless lawsuits leveled against him by the unholy alliance of California and PP.

The videos – accessible via Souls and Liberty's 'Kamala Cards' – have been suppressed by the Harris cabal for eight years, but were recently released by the California legal system.

Note: CMP issued a warning to viewers that the footage is among the most graphic it has ever published. It includes PP personnel in Houston, Texas flippantly describing the process of delivering late-term babies intact (and alive) and mutilating the bodies afterward to cover up violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law – all to sell fetal body parts for profit.


Now you can instantly inform voters about Harris' baby-killing agenda and her diabolical zeal to prosecute Daleiden and his associates, who have done nothing more than expose PP's harvesting and selling of baby body parts.

You can purchase the Kamala Cards at Souls and Liberty's website.

The more cards you buy, the better the price. You can get 100 cards for $9 – or why not up your influence by purchasing 1,000 cards for $60, or 500 for $35? (USPS shipping is additional.)

"Behind Kamala's smile is an unholy plan to ratchet up the killing of unborn babies and stop anyone who stands in her way. She is a modern-day Herod. I, for one, am distributing hundreds of the Kamala cards far and wide." – Souls and Liberty supporter

Leave the cards anywhere you can – in your parish vestibule, for example. Don't forget restaurants, driving ranges, shooting ranges, shopping malls, expressway rest areas and gas stations. Attach them to public bulletin boards in libraries, subways or town squares.

Share them with your family and friends – or direct them to the Souls and Liberty website, so they can purchase their own.

Wherever you distribute them, the important thing is to get the word out and save the election – and with it, our nation's precious unborn babies.

To purchase 'Kamala Cards,' only available via the Souls and Liberty website, click here.

If you have questions, kindly direct them to

Kamala Harris represents the most extreme left wing of a Democrat party already captured by anti-Christian, Marxist elements. Throughout the run-up to the election, Souls and Liberty will be sounding the alarm against her candidacy and arming you with the information you need to take action in the public square to stop the takeover of our republic, and even Western Civilization.  

Please join us in praying and fighting for Souls and Liberty; as well as, consider making a donation to support our work.


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