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Taking Action

Souls and Liberty Action Network is on the ground, and on the move

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November 5 – Election Day – is just 82 days away, and as America's moment of choosing approaches, the Souls and Liberty Action Network is pushing forward with its fight to reclaim the nation.

In the spring, Action Network members placed billboards reminding passersby that June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – not LGBT 'Pride' – in places of prominence in several major American cities, including Times Square in New York, Hollywood and Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, and various locations in Chicago, Detroit and Knoxville. Fresh from that initiative, Action Network members are again living up to their name by taking action in the states they represent – now numbering 20 – by praying for, and working toward, victory on Nov. 5.

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A major Action Network focus in the lead-up to Nov. 5 is preparing as many people as possible for Election Day. To accomplish this, members – many of them residing in key battleground states – are on the ground working to register voters.

Far too many US citizens are currently unregistered. Some are hospitalized or homebound; others mistakenly assume the registration process is too difficult or are simply unsure of how to proceed. To remedy this, Action Network volunteers are working to educate eligible citizens about the process – to get them signed up so that their voices are heard on Election Day.

As part of this effort, Action Network members are also petitioning their priests for permission to promote Voter Registration Sunday at all Masses at their respective parishes on Sunday, Sept. 15.

Taking place one month from today, this ecumenical initiative is designed to register voters of faith. Incredibly, 15 million American Christians are currently unregistered, and therefore, ineligible to vote.

Voter Registration Sunday aims to help correct this, and Souls and Liberty Action Network is doing its part to empower as many Catholics as possible to vote in November.

November 5 will be the most consequential day in US history, and every vote will be needed to ensure that America's lurch toward Marxism is halted, and ultimately, reversed.

To register, or to update your registration, go to

To check the registration deadline for your particular state, visit Souls and Liberty Action Network's "Resources" page and, under the "Voting Policies" subheading, click on the link to your state.


Action Network members are also spreading the word about the need to vote early.

Their early-voting promotion is part of the wider 'Swamp the Vote' initiative, launched recently by the Trump campaign.

As Souls and Liberty detailed in July:

"Donald Trump is asking his supporters, and all patriots, to take a page out of the Democrats' playbook and vote early.
The widespread election fraud, last-minute and unconstitutional changes to rules, and mass absentee voting in the 2020 election thrust "Good Ol' Joe" into the White House and set the stage for the rabid lawfare practiced against former President Trump. Now, the GOP is fighting back … and is using the Democrats' weapons.
The Trump campaign recently launched what it's calling the 'Swamp the Vote' effort, encouraging faithful citizens to vote early or submit an absentee ballot, as well as ensuring registration status and, of course, encouraging others of goodwill to vote, as well. 
While it may seem counterintuitive to pursue the tactics of the Left, the results – an addled President installed in Washington who is pushing socialist policies from the White House – speak for themselves. In addition, there are a number of significant benefits for the campaign, the country, and you."

Voting early allows citizens to become more politically involved – for example, it frees us to volunteer our time to serve as poll watchers on Election Day.

Poll watchers are hired for the day, so they cannot leave their posts to vote in their home precincts. But early voting solves this issue – by casting their ballots early, citizens of goodwill can focus on getting trained so they can show up for duty on Election Day.

Poll watchers are badly needed to help prevent shenanigans at the ballot box.

Thousands of poll watchers – per state – will be needed on Nov. 5.

You are needed to help monitor proceedings on the ground so that the events of 2020 will not recur in 2024.

For more information on early voting, click here, or contact Souls and Liberty Action Network Director Debra Tvrdik at


Americans are being bombarded by an unrelenting propaganda campaign, courtesy of the Marxist media establishment. Owing to the ferocity of this diabolical blitzkrieg, many voters of faith – including some Catholics – are unclear as to how to vote morally.

To help "unmuddy" the waters, Souls and Liberty Action Network has compiled a "Voting Guide for Authentic Catholics."

As its title indicates, this concise primer is designed to help Catholic voters cast our ballots in alignment with the tenets of our faith.

It reminds us that, as established in Paragraph 2239 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we have a moral obligation to promote the common good, and must fulfill that duty as citizens by voting.

It also lays out a series of "non-negotiables" – moral issues on which there is no room for compromise.

Additionally, it helps clarify how to vote, morally, by leading Catholics to reflect on whether the positions of our preferred candidate(s) – not the candidate(s), personally – align with Christ's teaching.

Action Network members are distributing the "Voting Guide for Authentic Catholics" in their own communities and beyond.

For a printable copy of Souls and Liberty Action Network's "Voting Guide for Authentic Catholics," click here.


Vice President Kamala Harris is a rabid promoter of abortion, as well as a ruthless persecutor of pro-life advocates, and Souls and Liberty Action Network is working to get the word out.

Harris has railed repeatedly against the overturning of Roe v. Wade. In March, she became the highest-ranking, sitting US official to visit an abortion mill. At one of her first presidential campaign press conferences, she vowed that if elected, she will push for a congressional bill to restore abortion access nationwide. Her various political campaigns have been funded lavishly by America's largest abortion network, Planned Parenthood.

Harris' abortion evangelization predates her stint as vice president. As attorney general of California, for example, she dropped the hammer on Catholic pro-life advocate David Daleiden.

In 2015, Daleiden recorded a series of undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts. As the New York Post reported, in 2016, "acting on a request from Planned Parenthood," Harris seized the videos and "opened a criminal investigation into Daleiden" – an investigation that continues, even now.

Today, Daleiden "faces eight felony charges and possible jail time in California for making the videos without getting the executives’ permission to film them. ... A trial date has tentatively been set for December in San Francisco Superior Court."

Daleiden, meanwhile, has rightly accused Harris of "'weaponizing' her office in deciding to prosecute him at the behest of Planned Parenthood."

In May, the San Francisco District Court ruled that Daleiden's organization, the Center for Medical Progress, "cannot be prevented from republishing any of the subpoenaed footage."

Therefore, Souls and Liberty Action Network Director Debra Tvrdik is seizing initiative by creating business cards featuring an image of Harris on the front, and on the back, a QR code linked to Daleiden's undercover videos. Once complete, the cards will be available on the Action Network's "Resources" page. Members will distribute the cards at restaurants, churches, drug stores, gas stations and other high-traffic areas.


At the individual state level, Action Network members are engaging in various other projects, as well.


In the aptly-nicknamed Volunteer State, later this morning, Action Network members will mark the Feast of the Assumption with a public Patriotic Rosary at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Knoxville.

John Manczko, Action Network Captain for Tennessee, will lead the Rosary, which will coincide with a Silver Rose Ceremony, hosted by the Knights of Columbus' Knoxville chapter, dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe and the roses that fell from St. Juan Diego's tilma.

The Silver Rose Ceremony and Patriotic Rosary will follow the 10:00 a.m. (Eastern) Mass, and will be livestreamed on YouTube. To participate remotely, click here.

Meanwhile, again in Knoxville, a pair of Souls and Liberty-sponsored pro-life billboards will remain on display through August.

Thanks to the generosity of Souls and Liberty donors, Manczko was able to funnel leftover funds from the Knoxville Sacred Heart of Jesus billboard campaign toward purchasing the two pro-life displays for his city – keeping abortion in the public eye in Knoxville for several critical weeks in the lead-up to the Nov. 5 election.

New York

Though the 2024 Paris Olympic Games have ended, Catholic outrage over the opening ceremony's "Last Supper" mockery of our faith has not.

In the Empire State, Action Network Director and New York Captain Debra Tvrdik will be meeting Monday with the head of her home diocese, Bp. Terry LaValley of Ogdensburg.

Tvrdik will inquire why Bp. LaValley's name was absent from the "Open Letter from Catholic Bishops to the International Olympic Committee" – a denunciation of the "Last Supper" sacrilege signed by dozens of bishops from across the globe, including many from the United States.


In the Keystone State, Mike McKay, Action Network Captain for Pennsylvania, has drafted a letter condemning the sacrilege, and asking US prelates why their names are absent from the early-August "Open Letter."

McKay is gathering members' signatures, as well as those of family, friends and fellow parishioners.

Once complete, the signed letter will be submitted to individual bishops, to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and to Cdl. Christophe Pierre, the (French-born) apostolic nuncio to the United States.


In the Bluegrass State, Peter Cherlet, Action Network Captain for Kentucky, joined with Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute to prayerfully protest the annual gathering of the dissident Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) in Lexington.

Hichborn held a Rosary rally outside the assembly, praying for the conversion of its renegade clerics.

For years, the AUSCP has scandalized faithful Catholics by promoting homosexual activism, advocating for women's ordination to the priesthood, and advancing heretical ideas concerning the Eucharist.

The dissenting group felt quite at home in the Diocese of Lexington, where Bp. John Stowe – a notorious pro-LGBT prelate – has held sway since 2015.


The mission of Souls and Liberty Action Network is "to engage, educate and encourage Christians to advance the Kingdom of God in our culture by evangelization, pro-life activities, prayer, and political action."

Currently, Action Network chapters are operating in 20 states:

  • Alabama

  • Arizona

  • California

  • Connecticut

  • Florida

  • Georgia

  • Illinois

  • Kentucky

  • Maine

  • Maryland

  • Michigan

  • Minnesota

  • Nevada

  • New Mexico

  • New York

  • Oklahoma

  • Pennsylvania

  • Tennessee

  • Texas

  • Virginia

If you are interested in diving in and getting to work – in winning souls and taking back our country – we invite you to consider joining Souls and Liberty Action Network today.

To join an established chapter, or to help spearhead the launch of a chapter in a new state, click here to log on to the Action Network webpage and scroll to the bottom to fill out the registration form. A Souls and Liberty representative will then contact you and put you in touch with your state captain. If you reside in a state without an existing chapter, a Souls and Liberty staff member will reach out to you to discuss how to proceed.

The Church needs you. America needs you. Souls and Liberty Action Network needs you.

As Action Network Director Debra Tvrdik is fond of saying, "God + 1 = majority. Be the 1!"

Let's get to work!

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