Cultural Communists are Confused and Confounded
"Let those who seek my life be put to shame and disgrace.
Let those who plot evil against me be turned back and confounded." (Ps 35:4)
As the 2024 election comes into greater focus, the Marxist hegemony (Democratic leadership, major media, and virtually every cultural institution) has never been more bewildered. Donald Trump has earned the name "Teflon Don" and the elites are enraged.
No matter what they do, no matter how many late night comedians or entertainment industry award winners skewer him, he just grows more powerful and more popular. No matter how many lawsuits and indictments they file against him or charge him with, he grows more ominous to them, almost daily.
Not a single tag line (e.g., "Democracy will die under Trump"), not a single characterization of him moves the needle in their favor. He seems completely bulletproof to their attacks; almost impermeable. Why? That's the question to which the atheist-minded elites cannot come up with an answer.
And the key, the answer, lies in that very DNA of the elites – their atheism. Whether practical atheism or real – they are so self-absorbed, so self-centered, so encumbered by their own "Masters of the Universe" mindset that they are incapable of understanding there is a God, and they are not Him.
They cannot grasp a "divine reality" beyond their own globalist, world-domination aspirations – and Donald Trump, MAGA and "America", stands like an immovable force in the face of that.
The key to understanding why Trump increases is one simple word – Justice. In the DNA of normal, everyday Americans is the sense of justice; the virtue of justice.
In fact, after the Theological Virtues laid out by St. Paul ("Faith, Hope and Charity"), the next virtues are the Cardinal Virtues ('cardinal' meaning the virtues on which all others rely). The Cardinal Virtues are Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude. Millenia of Catholic reflection, scholarship and meditation have identified that Almighty God has endowed man with these virtues and they are part of our nature.
So when an average person sees INjustice – they know it and, normally speaking, they do not like it. In their souls, in their natures, they understand that something contrary to the divine plan and order is at work – and since their natures come from God, they intuit a "disruption in the Force" (to borrow from Darth Vader).
The definition of Justice is giving to someone what the person deserves or is owed – and it has both a positive aspect as well as a negative. When a serial child murderer is sentenced to death, the gut response is – "he got what he deserved". But if he were to be given a sentence of 6 months, for example, the guttural reaction would be visceral – he "deserved" a far greater punishment for his crimes. Justice was not done – and everyone would know it and understand it immediately. One doesn't need to be a theologian to grasp these instinctual concepts. Justice speaks to fairness, and in the American mind, things should be fair – including political slugfests.
But it is precisely because the Communist hegemony is NOT fighting fair that so many Americans are siding with Trump – even those who might not be fans. There is in the American body politic – an overwhelming sense that fairness, aka, Justice, matters. That's because it does; and it matters A LOT!
An enormous percentage of American voters believe that there was hanky-panky on the part of the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential election and they don't like it – not one bit. Many view Biden as in the Oval Office illegitimately. And, when the Swamp Elites in DC start prosecuting and harassing normal everyday Americans for simply saying so, and those same forces link arms with giant tech and social media platforms to crush, censor and silence all opposition to the Communist narrative – it just doesn't sit well, at all, with normal people.
The flip side of Justice – being given what you deserve or are owed – is deprivation; being deprived of what is rightfully yours. INjustice creates victims no matter where it is carried out. Donald Trump has a right to run for president – not to be deprived of being on various states' ballots; not deprived of the right to defend himself in court; not deprived of due process; not charged maliciously with trumped up charges related to further trumped up accusations further back up the line.
What the Communist hegemony has done is to create a victim – a "writ large victim", who stands in the docket as the "everyday man". Yes, its about Trump in the immediate, of course, but, in the big spit it's about you, and YOU correctly intuit that. Fairness and Justice are what's really on the November ballot and the Communists haven't figured that out yet, because their atheism blinds them to it.
Everyone agrees that a fight should be fair and the disdain for bullies is almost universal, so commonly shared is our human nature. Everyone knows this, of course, and immediately grasps it – except the bullies who never fight fair.
Gary Michael Voris holds a graduate degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. Voris earned multiple awards for 40+ years of news media experience for writing, producing, and investigative work from the Associated Press, Detroit Press Club, Michigan Broadcasters Association, as well as four news Emmys in multiple categories. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1983 with an undergraduate major in Communications and a minor in History.
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Remember...TWO WORLD WARS were under Democrat Presidents...traitors Woodrow Wilson whose League of Nations failed and FDR who allowed the Pearl Harbor incident with a 37 hour radio blackout for Oahu knowing that Japanese bombers were on their way. Vietnam? Not a pretty sight for BOTH Democrats Kennedy and Johnson....
President Trump wanted diplomacy...PEACE for the World cause he knows killing people and breaking things doesn't cut it!!!
Vote for him in November cause all that Obiden has done and is doing is setting us up for WORLD WAR 3 & ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT....
His ACTIONS are certainly speaking LOUDER than his grunts. 👍🇺🇸🥊🗳🥊🇺🇸👍
Hit it right on the dime as only you can do!!!!! Glad to hear you are doing well in every way!!!! Your article is back to the ‘form’ that all of us love. Keep up the good fight - it gives us hope and encourages us all!!!
I knew it was you Gary Michael who wrote this piece after reading the first paragraph!
Most excellent! Your analysis of human nature...most impressive.
What l found interesting was when President Trump was labeled 'a felon',
Prisoners who claimed to be black LOVED that so if they could identify with him hence hot selling tee shirts with Trump the 'gangsta'
The more the Elites spit out their propaganda, the smaller they become and thank God for alternative media. They slip and slide
tripping over their 'done to death' hatred for the Orange Man.
Let them. His surprise visit to the CHIC-FIL-A restaurant yesterday was a blast, giving black conservatives a chance to 'meet and greet' 'Mr 45th',